TTI’s Library Services group provides resources to support research. The TTI library maintains a highly specialized collection of reports from TTI, CTR, TCRP, and NCHRP, as well as Transportation Research Circulars, and Transportation Research Record series. Staffed by a research librarian and a library assistant, the TTI library offers a full range of services to researchers, including reference and research assistance, help with online literature searches, and locating and obtaining needed documents. The library also provides a current-awareness service to TTI researchers by announcing new library acquisitions through Check It Out, the library’s monthly newsletter. TTI publications and software can be found using the TTI Catalog.
When documents are not available in the TTI library collection, the TTI library staff utilizes the resources available through the Texas A&M University Library. Currently, the university library holdings include 5.2 million volumes. The university library also offers access to 1.5 million eBooks, over 114,000 electronic journals, and more than 2,600 electronic databases. Materials not owned by the university library can be obtained through interlibrary loan services (deliverEdocs).
For More Information
Hong YuCommunications Division
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
1111 RELLIS Parkway
Bryan, TX 77807
ph. (979) 317-2398
[email protected]